The new world: artificial intelligence in education

21 Nov 2023


In recent years, artificial intelligence has become a large part of education, learning, and software development. From predictive text to large language models, almost every student has utilized or been exposed to some form of AI. I have not used it extensively myself, but the main reasons I see it being used are for information gathering, summarizing, and for revising writing. In software engineering, this has relevant applications in identifying syntax errors, debugging, and identifying suitable functions or features for a task. It is interesting to think about how the use of AI for these purposes influences the type of learning we experience.

Personal Experience with AI in ICS 314

Impact on Learning and Understanding

Overall, the greatest impact that AI has had on my learning and understanding of new concepts is that it has made the process faster. If I ask ChatGPT to recommend functions or algorithms for a specific task, that gives me a branching point to do more research on those specific structures. While I do research, I am more motivated knowing that I am likely on the right track with what I am learning about. I feel more efficient and confident if my guesses for concepts are backed up by the suggestions that ChatGPT makes.

The way that each person chooses to use AI makes a big difference in how their learning is affected. Personally, I have experienced using AI to debug or give me ideas as starting points for further research that I do on my own (without asking more from AI). As a result, when I give prompts to ChatGPT, I need to begin with a solid understanding of my assignment and what kind of results I want to get. In a way, it is similar to using a search engine. I feel that I have grown better at asking specific, relevant questions.

Practical Applications

I think that AI as a tool greatly expands the possibilities of software engineering, both in a sense of capability and in a sense of the developmental process. I have seen AI used in other projects for predictive modeling, navigation, information gathering, image detection and processing, and chat bots. I think that the use of AI makes these features much more useful and easily integrable than if they were implemented by hand. Using AI cuts down on human error and tedious mathematical calculations. However, in all cases it must be responsibly trained, which presents a unique challenge to software engineering.

Challenges and Opportunities

Since I have not used AI in ICS 314 (yet), I am not sure of challenges I would encounter. In other classes, using ChatGPT has sometimes proven difficult because it will make mistakes and sometimes contradict its own information. Even though ChatGPT is efficient for retrieving information, I trust it less than when I use the Internet to search for information myself. I can quickly identify if a feature or an example is relevant to me in the scope of my code, but ChatGPT only has access to what I feed it, which is usually a code snippet of the problem area.

I think that AI has become a permanent part of our daily life, which affects the way students learn, and it would be unwise to completely restrict the use of AI in a classroom setting. I have found that it is a popular opinion among older generations that using AI hinders critical thinking. I think that this can be true depending on how it is used by the student. Copying an entire problem to ChatGPT can yield wrong or inapplicable answers. On the other hand, asking targeted and direct questions can spur further interest and guide the student to applying the information to their unique situation. Learning how to properly utilize AI hand-in-hand with traditional learning techniques is something I believe should be integrated into the classroom.

Comparative Analysis

Traditional teaching methods and AI-assisted approaches to learning inarguably train different skills. I believe both will be utilized in a classroom setting, with a focus on traditional teaching methods for learning new concepts and a focus on AI-assisted learning for checking understanding and writing and debugging code. Admittedly I have been out of touch with the student perspective on how AI should be integrated into the classroom, but I am aware that many students do use AI for learning (even outside of class) and find great value in it. I have personally seen a decrease in classroom engagement because of this, but I think it also depends on the student. A student who prefers independent learning will utilize AI tools more than a classroom lecture, which results in less classroom engagement but possibly a better learning experience for them. In developing technical skills, I think that students who learn to utilize AI for their assignments and projects will have an end-result advantage over students who do not use AI. This is because the workforce values productivity, and as AI advances it will continue to become more and more profitable for a business to utilize AI. A student who knows how to use it will be more successful.

Future Considerations

Some things I am looking forward to seeing in the future other than the obvious advancement of AI to take on more complex tasks are ways in which it will be regulated. Usage in the classroom should probably be regulated to limit “cheating” (in the traditional classroom sense). Also, I think schools should teach ethics related to the use of AI. Given that models need to be trained on data, which can be considered private intellectual property, it is extremely important for AI users to be aware of what is considered ethical use of information and for safety standards to be set. I think that this topic is not well-explored at the moment, but I am looking forward to seeing how this affects AI in education.


In conclusion, AI has taken a firm hold onto the way we teach, learn, and operate about our daily lives. As it continues to grow and we continue to learn how to utilize it well (both in the practical and ethical senses), it is important to be aware of the changes it will make to schools and the workforce. The opportunity to utilize AI in this course is valuable, and though I did not take advantage of it, I recognize the importance of learning to use AI and the unique skills that using AI train.